Thursday, September 18, 2014

SBC Day 18: Thankful Thursday

It is so ironic that the post for today is about thankfulness. This week I have been wanting to do a post about how thankful I am for my life and all the blessings of it. I am thankful for the unseen hand of God that has led me through my whole life. I am thankful for parents who raised me in church and who love me and want the best for me. I am thankful for my family; I do not know where I would be without them.

I am so blessed to have such special friends. I have many friends, but I have 3 extremely close ones who I know will never leave me. We have been blessed to be very close all through grade school and high school and now college. Though we are separated by different colleges, we can always pick up exactly where we left off. When one of us has a hard time or has a difficult or sad situation, we know that the others will be right there. It's just second nature for us. They are the sisters I never had.
This is us ☺️

I am so thankful for God's leadership through my college decision process. I did not know what to do when I was about to graduate high school. I had all but signed the papers deciding to go to a certain college, but then some circumstances came up that made me realize I was not supposed to go there. So then I ended up at my local community college, and that was awesome because I was able to stay home, keep my job at the drug store in town, and go to college for two years with my best friend. Then, I had to decide about senior college. Well, God worked that out too. I was not sure what kind of scholarships I would get, but I was privileged to be the recipient of several scholarships to the university where I am a student now. That pretty much decided it for me. College is expensive, and I knew I probably would not get this kind of deal anywhere else. And as an added bonus, my best friend was planning to go to this university too. Plus my parents went to this university, so it is fun going to the same places and buildings that they did 25 years ago! It has been so amazing seeing how God is working out this thing called life. We spent about a year getting ready to make the Big Move, shopping for apartment items and things such as that. However, as I always do, I worried about the job situation. How would I get a job in my new town? Silly me... God had that worked out too. It just so happened my daddy talked to someone at a family friend's wedding who works on campus here and he said there may be an on-campus job available for me. Sure enough, when I got moved in, I went to speak with him and he hired me. Folks, God blesses us more than we deserve. I was also worried about leaving my job in town at the drug store. I didn't want to leave! So what happened? They told me I can come work any time. So when I go home on weekends, I work Fridays and Saturdays at the drug store.

Isn't it wonderful how God takes care of us? We are just little people who don't know anything but God always has our next step planned. He sees the big picture. I'm not writing all of this to brag on myself. I had no clue what to do. But God always has a plan, He just asks us to wait on Him. Happy Thursday, y'all!

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