Tuesday, September 30, 2014

SBC Day 30: 30 Things about Me

Y'all!! I made it!! Whoop whoop!!

Okay. 30 random facts about myself.

1. I like to read my favorite books over and over.
2. I love old movies and TV shows.
3. My favorite color (at this point in my life) is Tiffany blue.
4. I love strawberry Toaster Strudel.
5. I'm a PK (Preacher's Kid).
6. I'm addicted to having half and half in my coffee.
7. I don't like a lot of vegetables. Yes I may as well be a 11 year old. Peas are the devil.
8. I like any type of fruit.
9. I hate running.
10. I've been to England, Canada, Mexico, and several states in the U.S.
11. I want to travel the world.
12. I love singing.
13. I love country music.
14. I also love the classic music... Frank Sinatra, Louis Armstrong, Ella Fitzgerald...
15. I can sing any song by the shape notes (Do, Re, Mi...)
16. To Kill a Mockingbird is my favorite book.
17. I have been drinking coffee since I was 6 months old. It's true. Ask my parentals.
18. Humphrey Bogart and Cary Grant make me happy.
19. I love monograms.
20. I am a little obsessed with Kate Middleton.
21. I love Downton Abbey.. and I am already watching Season 5 online even though it isn't in the US yet. Hee hee!
22. I want to meet Lorelai and Rory Gilmore. Yes I know it's just a TV show. But it'll never seem that way to me.
23. I hate cats.
24. I love Disney.
25. I love polka dots.
26. My dad's side of the family is HUGE and we all get together at my Mamaw's house on Thanksgiving and Christmas... Once you get a spot on the floor, you don't move. You can't. Or else you get squooshed. But it's awesome!
27. I like to go to the library and just walk up and down the aisles looking at the books.
28. I was born in South Carolina.
29. My grandmother taught me many things, including how to make jelly and jam. It's a dying art.
30. I want to be an inspiring teacher. I want students to take my classes and discover the beauty and magic of literature for themselves.

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