Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Procrastination Central

Hello again, blogging world. So it's been quite a few months since I have posted ANYTHING, and I am feeling guilty! I really WANT to post all these great ideas and fun things I'm doing with my life, but then the couch grabs me. And the TV. And my Spanish homework. So yeah, life is busy. However, I am going to try to endeavor to persevere. (That's what my Daddy always told me!) Anyway, I have seen a "Blogging Challenge" and would like to try to complete it. We'll see how it goes! I'm excited. I got this from Gracie at

So....... The challenge begins. I'm already a little behind! 
1. Your goal(s) for the month of September. 
I have recently moved to a big university, and so I am really just now getting into the swing of things. I am trying to balance school, work, two weekly Bible studies, keeping my apartment clean, family, and something that I guess could be called a social life. (I will go ahead and admit... My idea of a perfect Friday night involves pizza, pajamas, and a chick flick. But I like to go to my school's football games and all that jazz. So give me a little credit!) Anyway, it's been crazy. So I think one of my goals for September is to, I don't know, FINISH THIS BLOGGING CHALLENGE! Ha. We'll see if it happens. But if it doesn't, it's ok! Another goal would be to continue drinking more water. Since moving out on my own, all my roommate and I keep in the place is water (and the occasional pitcher of sweet tea. We're in The South! We can't live without sweet tea!) So I've been drinking a lot of water lately. Which I suppose is a good thing. 

2. Something you're proud of accomplishing recently.
Well, I think that moving out of my parents' house and into my own apartment has been a pretty big accomplishment! No, I'm not living on my own, my roommate is my best friend! We've been friends since we were 4. <insert "AWWWW!!!" here> 

See? We're adorable. A blonde and a brunette together are unstoppable.
Sorry, back to the challenge. So moving out, moving into an apartment, and learning to shop for your own groceries and cook for yourself, make your own budget, yeah... it's all big kid stuff! Kinda scary, but kinda fun!

3. Favorite fashion trend(s) right now.
Umm... Okay so anyone who knows me knows I like the classy, timeless, elegant style. So I'm not really into trends. Therefore, this is an excuse for me to show y'all my style!

Kate Middleton is one of the classiest, most elegant ladies in the world today. In my humble opinion.

Two of my favorite things: polka dots (of course!) and a bow!!!

The timeless little black dress and LACE. I love lace.

Vintage beauty. We don't know how to dress anymore. 

That's all for now, folks! 

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